Code Of

created june 7, 2023 | revised july 17, 2024

Columbus Jacks Code of Conduct

Created June 7, 2023. Revised July 17, 2024

Columbus Jacks (“CJ”) is a private club governed by a set of rules that define how all of its members interact physically and socially in the context of the club. This includes all club-hosted events and group communications. All members and prospective members must read, understand and agree to adhere to these rules

CJ events are designed to be socially, emotionally and legally safe. To this end, every member agrees to understand, observe and maintain these rules. Because we value the club, and because we all understand that these rules make this unique experience possible, we are largely self-policing, though club volunteers are empowered to enforce the rules and intervene when necessary.


    1. All members attending an event must be 18 years or older and must present a valid photo government ID with date of birth included (e.g., driver’s license, state ID, passport)

    2. We welcome anyone with a penis to join the club and attend our events, including trans and non-binary folx.

    3. Discrimination, derogatory comments, or assault against another member will absolutely not be tolerated.

      1. This includes any discrimination, comments, or assault based on things like race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, body type, or any other characteristic or trait.

    4. We welcome members of all sexual orientations, including but not limited to straight, bi, queer, and gay.

    5. Consent is sexy and requires an enthusiastic “yes!”

  2. JO ONLY

    1. Like all true jack-off clubs, sexual activity is strictly limited to masturbation and mutual masturbation. Oral and anal sex of any form is never permitted at CJ events. In short, “no lips below the hips” and “nothing goes inside anybody’s anything.”


    1. Self-masturbation

    2. Consensual mutual masturbation

    3. Erotic and friendly touch

    4. Showing-off and watching

    5. Parallel penis-to-penis masturbation

    6. Frottage / Rubbing bodies together

    7. Oral above the waist (e.g., kissing, nipple nibbling, armpit licking, etc.)


    1. If you don’t have consent, you may not touch another member

    2. No oral (mouth to penis) sex

    3. Docking/foreskin sharing

    4. No anal contact (never even touch any butthole, including your own)

    5. No butt play whatsoever, including rimming

    6. No aggressive or prolonged urethra play/sounding

    7. No jackoff sleeves (e.g., Fleshlights, silicone double ended masturbation sleeves)


    1. Minimum participation is stripping to a single article of underwear, a jock or a tee/tank upon arrival

    2. Hats, fetish wear, and gear (harnesses, pup hoods, etc) are always permitted, and some themes may invite specific clothing

    3. Never wear anything that may hurt or tear your skin or anyone else’s skin

    4. Footwear may be required at certain events


    1. Always warn verbally before you ejaculate. Do not just breathe heavily or moan- Say it out loud with words!

    2. Ejaculate on yourself, the floor or any canvas-covered surface

    3. Explicit, mutual consent is required before ejaculating on others

    4. Always thoroughly wipe up semen from any surfaces

    5. Never allow semen on anyone’s anus

    6. No semen ingestion permitted


    1. Consent is required before touching another member’s body. This includes but is not limited to penis, kissing, body contact, etc.

    2. Remember: every person is in charge of their body. You own your body as does every other member you encounter in the playspace.

    3. Always ask before touching someone who hasn’t given consent

    4. Be prepared to say “no” and always take “no” for an answer. Never press the issue. We treat each other with mutual respect and human dignity, like brothers.

    5. Please respect all members’ pronouns, sexual orientations, and gender identities.


    1. Never, at any time, disclose any member’s identity to anyone, either inside the club or out. Ever. What you do here, who you see here, stays here. Violation of any member’s identity is grounds for immediate termination of membership.

    2. Recording of audio or visual during any event is prohibited.

      1. Audio or visual media may be obtained at designated, preannounced times before or after a scheduled event or at another time for use on CJ social media accounts, CJ website, or CJ marketing materials. Involvement will be optional and CJ will request explicit, written permission before the session.


    1. Do not attend a CJ event if you have or suspect that you may have any diseases you can spread to other members while at the event

      1. This includes, but is not limited to, COVID-19, mpox, common colds and flu, staph infections, herpes breakouts, and any other sexually transmitted infections.

    2. HIV is not considered communicable in the context of club activities. Members who are HIV-positive and undetectable are welcome to join the club and participate in events in accordance with our rules, as there is no evidence of transmission of the virus through mutual masturbation.


    1. Poppers are permitted, with the exception of Maximum Impact or similar spray inhalants.

    2. No recreational or illicit drugs or alcohol of any kind are permitted at CJ events with the exception of non-bate focused events (e.g., bar/social nights). All group bate events hosted by Columbus Jacks are designated alcohol- and drug-free.

    3. Do not arrive at bate events intoxicated. Intoxicated members will not be admitted or may be ejected from the event.

    4. All forms of smoking (including, but not limited to, vapes, pens, cigarettes/cigars, etc.) are dependent on the event, location, and host.

      1. Members must use designated areas for all forms of smoking.

    5. Problem behavior will result in termination of membership.


    1. Your body and hands should be clean when you attend a CJ event

    2. Please keep teeth brushed and fingernails trimmed short and smooth

    3. Please avoid bad breath and excessive body odor before entering the play space

    4. The club provides mouthwash and hand soap at all events

    5. Start every event with a trip to the washroom to wash your hands and use mouthwash, whether you think you need it or not.

    6. Do not wear any fragrance/heavy amounts of deodorant to CJ events.


    1. Event details will include event start & conclusion time. Arrival time cutoffs will be included in marketing material and strictly enforced to ensure a quality bate.

      1. Any additional event time that is for platonically hanging out (no bating permitted) will also be shared per event basis

    2. Excessive chatter is discouraged during events. Quiet talk is okay, and hot talk is welcome at any volume. Be friendly and sociable to not distract others in the playspace and keep non-bate related conversation to a minimum. If you’re asked to lower your voice, please do so.

    3. You are welcome to talk to fellow members about sex play that is not permitted in CJ events. For example, while anal sex is never permitted in the club, you can talk about it during the event as long as your fellow member(s) provide consent.


    1. Columbus Jacks leaders will enforce the Code of Conduct and members violating it will be held accountable.


    1. The CJ website is intended for adults ages 18 or older (or the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which the website visitor is physically located).

    2. The CJ website should never be shared with minors or those under the age of majority in the jurisdiction where the website visitor is physically located.

Thank you to Rain City Jacks and Cleveland Bators for the permission to use their Code of Conducts and Event Rules as the basis of Columbus Jacks’ Code of Conduct.

Updated 7/17/2024