how To
Frequently asked questions
who attends the events?
Columbus Jacks' members are men of all ethnicities/race, ages, body type, sexuality, & penis sizes. It's all part of the fun!
Discrimination, in any form, towards any member for any reason is not tolerated.
is oral sex allowed? anal?
Like many Jacks groups around the world, we are a group focused solely on masturbation. Kissing, body contact, frotting & more are allowed. View our Code of Conduct here.
How much do the events cost?
All bate events are $20. This helps us cover the costs of our event spaces, lube, sanitation, & more. Event fees are prepaid and nonrefundable.
where do you host your events?
We have the most success hosting in a hotel setting within/immediately around the I-270 loop. This allows a neutral space for all men to come and enjoy their bates. The specific hotel address information will be sent with the confirmation email when you register and prepay for each event. The room number, recommendations for where to park in the lot, and which door to enter will be sent within 24 hours of the bate start time. If a room number change occurs, registered bators will be notified via email.
How many guys attend each event?
This varies by event. In the past, we have had upwards of 12 people but our goal is 25+ per event. The more dongs the better!
can i jerk off alone & watch?
Absolutely! All forms of masturbation are welcome and encouraged. Verbal consent is required by all members during events and there is a zero tolerance policy on not asking for consent prior to touching another member's member.
who we are
about the bate
i'm ready! how do i register?
Web store now live! Go here, add the event(s) you want to attend to your cart, and check out. A confirmation email will be immediately sent to your email provided.
how do i get your event sched?
Lots of ways, bro! Join our email list, follow us on Instagram or Twitter at @cbus_jacks, or subscribe to our events calendar for all the fun updates. Scan the QR code or click on the button for all of our links.

how to register
How do event fees show up on my credit/debit card?
All purchases made through our webstore will show up on your credit/debit card statement as "Sq * CJ 614"
Are payment options available other than using my credit/debit on your webstore?
We want to include you, bator! Email us at to chat about alternatives.